Thursday, December 26, 2019
Drug Trafficking And Distribution Of Drugs - 1254 Words
Drug Trafficking and Distrobution Tanner Galbiso University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Author Note. Tanner Galbiso is currently a student in Mrs. Mary Wuestewald’s Criminology class that meets every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm in the Gardner Building. Contact: Abstract This paper will explore multiple scholarly journals and other published articles that will pertain to Drug trafficking and distribution of drugs. The research gathered will all be from online resources located on the schools website and the classes required book pertaining to the curriculum. Keywords: Criminology, Drug Trafficking, Social Theories In the world of the criminal justice system, drug related makes up quite a large number. (2012) But what why is this such a big problem in the United States? Why is this issue so important to stop? Why is this war on drug such a big deal? Within these next few pages, we will enter the world of drug trafficking and distribution and answer such questions. We will talk about how Park and Burgess’s Zone theory can be applied to how drugs are distributed, Merton’s Strain Theory, and Culture Conflict Theory. By the end of this paper, you should be able to get an inside look to why this type of crime is a easy crime to turn to. Park and Burgess’s Zone Theory It all started in the Chicago School. Robert Park and Ernest Burgess came up with the idea of social ecology. In the in class text, Schmalleger (2009)Show MoreRelatedDrug Trafficking: An Ongoing Battle Essay1362 Words  | 6 PagesDrug trafficking is a prohibited, global trade that involves the production, the distribution, and the sales of drugs. It is a topic that has become a very large issue all over the world. It also has had a very big effect on many different countries because they often depend on the business that the drug trafficking creates. Since it has become such a problem, there have been many different efforts to put a stop to drug trafficking by different enforcement agencies. A website about drug statisticsRead MoreWar On Drugs And Drug Trafficking960 Words  | 4 Pageshuman trafficking, drug trafficking, and weapons trafficking. One of the most harmful organized crimes is drug trafficking. What makes drug trafficking organized is the system of production to distribution. Drug trafficking organizations have a hierarchy of power from the kingpins to the couriers. Drug also has political influence they are able to bribe and blackmail politicians. Trafficking drugs is a multi-billion-dollar business, and the United States is one of its largest markets. Drug traffickingRe ad MoreDrug Trafficking During The United States Essay1312 Words  | 6 Pages Drug trafficking has been an ongoing epidemic in the United States, as well us other countries for an unimaginable amount of time. Illegal drugs varying from heroin and cocaine are primarily the main drugs that get smuggled in the United States from South America. Even marijuana and methamphetamine have been popular in the drug smuggling â€Å"industry†. These gangs go to a variety of different extents to get the job done. Drug trafficking increases the violence levels These drugs have been smuggledRead MoreMexican Trafficking And Drug Trafficking1341 Words  | 6 Pagesmurders, prostitution, drug dealing, extortion, human trafficking, gun trafficking, drug trafficking, car thief, and cartels wars. Have you ever been a victim of any of this crimes listed above in Mexico? Sadly most people who lived in Mexico tend to be victims of a crime. In Mexico 1 out of every 8,300 people are violently murdered. Most murder rates are in the borders near the United States. However the mu rder rate has gone down in most places. In the other hand drug trafficking and kidnapping hasRead MoreGlobal Crime Analysis1134 Words  | 5 Pagesworld. Global crime can be international drug smuggling operations, human trafficking, or international prostitution rings. Weapons trading are also a problem that exists all over the world. There are always concerns of rogue nations selling nuclear weapons to other nations that do not follow the guidelines of the world community. In the international community, human trafficking has become an issue that is spiraling out of control. The International Trafficking (2010) website cites that victims ofRead MoreDrug Trafficking And Its Effects On The American Civil War1075 Words  | 5 PagesThe history of drug trafficking goes back to the nineteenth century when drugs like heroin, cocaine and morphine were introduced into society and exposed people to the dangers of abuse and addiction. 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Once the cocaine reachesRead More War on Drugs is a Domestic Problem Essay620 Words  | 3 Pages WAR ON DRUGS IS A DOMESTIC PROBLEM nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The new policy that the government has unfolded on the War on Drugs, has pointed the finger of responsibility toward stopping terrorism by stopping the individual drug users. Terrorism affects the entire world, and the United States has assumed a position at the spearhead to confront it. There is no way to actually stop terrorism, but one way to financially divert the problem is to stop the money from flowing to the organizationsRead MoreWar On Drugs : A Comparative Analysis Of Human Rights Violation1339 Words  | 6 PagesRichard Stahler-Sholk PLSC 367 07 April 2016 War on drugs or a war on people ? A comparative analysis of human rights violation in Latin America Ever since the War on Drugs campaign began there has been a more complex relationship between the U.S and Latin America. While the media portrays the U.S as providing aid to Latin America to combat such issues, the U.S is also seen as a victim in the war on drugs. Over the course of the war on drugs numerous human rights violations have been reportedRead MoreDrug Trafficking And The Criminal Justice System1272 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper explains the consequences that drug traffickers face in today’s criminal justice system; those consequences being classed as controlled substances, federal trafficking sentences, offender and offense characteristics, and the effects of illegal drug trade on society. When the federal government labels a substance as controlled, this means the possession and distribution of these substances are governed by law. These laws are formulated in accordance with 21 U.S. Code  § 811 – 814 - Authority
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
It s On Us- Take The Pledge Now - 1345 Words
It’s On Us- Take the Pledge Now College can be one of the most influential and exciting times of self-discovery and exploration in a young woman’s life. In addition to expanding academic horizons, a woman’s college years can be used as a time of self-exploration and discovery. For some students, however, despite all the wonderful experience college has to offer, young women need to be mindful of a silent issue plaguing campuses everywhere: sexual assault. Gager defines sexual assault as â€Å"a public health and public safety problem with far-reaching implications.†According to Wikipedia, sexual assault is any â€Å"involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual†¦show more content†¦One in four college-aged women has experienced rape or attempted rape, although 95% of attacks go unreported.†According to a survey from the American Association of University Women, the results showed that there a re 3% of women in the colleges across the country have been raped or have suffered attempted rape. While only 2% of incapacitated rape survivors report assault. There are several reasons why many women do not report being raped or sexually assaulted. Many female college students buy into myths about rape and sexual assault causing them to believe that it was their fault and that they were somewhat responsible for what happened. Most victims usually blame themselves, so they choose not to come forward, some others are scared that law enforcement won’t believe them, while others are simply embarrassed, or they might be afraid their attacker might retaliate. A friend of my friend, she has been sexually assaulted after deinking, but sadly as a victim of a rape, she was too scared to step forward and she didn’t even report the rape to the law enforcement because she thought it was her fault to drink alcohol. She was also too embarrassed and uncomfortable to talk about the r ape and answer any questions. Even she chose to drink alcohol, what happened is not her fault. Because whatever the reason is, no woman should blame herself for being raped or sexually
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Cider House Rules Essay Example For Students
Cider House Rules Essay The movie Cider House Rules involves many different characters that one can focus on, but the main character I want to focus on is Homer Wells, who is also the main character of the film. Now every character goes through many different situations and are faced with different obstacles that they must over come. Dr. Larch has to over come the ability to realize he is human, and how the board wants to replace him. Mr. Rose has to over come non-diligent workers, and conflicts with his daughter and keep a calm, flowing working environment. Candy Kendall has to deal with her husband Wally Worthington being away fighting for the United States in World War II. On the other side Wally has to deal with the loss of ability to use his legs and being paralyzed in a wheel chair. But, none of these are more compelling or can be looked at in so many ways as Homers. Three times he is adopted by good families, but later returned to the orphanage. Dr. Larch, who is in charge there, would just as well have him stay, for he later becomes a good assistant to the doctor in performing abortions and delivering babies. Wally Worthington, whose wealthy parents are in the apple and cider business gets to know Homer when Wally, takes his girlfriend Candy to the St. Clouds orphanage for an abortion. These three become close friends and Homer accompanies them back to their hometown where he spends the next six months. Its a new life for Homer, and he realizes that his years at the orphanage are just the past and it is time for him to move on. Wally, who became a captain in the Air Force during WW II, crashes his bomber in Burma, and his both of his legs are paralyzed. Candy, who is not good of being left alone, had an affair with Homer, feel really guilty and a sense of pity for Wally. Candy decided to choose Wally. Mr. Rose, a worker during the apple harvest, said to burn the cider house rules paper. He said he is going to make his own rules, and nobody is told what to do with rules. Because of that, Mr. Roses daughter, Rose, who got pregnant by her own father, makes her own rules, and left. Mr. Rose, feeling guilty with all his heart, and loosing his only daughter, kill his own self, saying I loose my own daughter so I kill myself. Candy makes her own rules too, by choosing to marry Wally. At the end of the story, Homer received a letter from the St. Clouds Orphanage saying that Dr Larch had died, which makes Homer came back to the Orphanage, and take over Dr. Larchs place, and every night, he would say Dr. Larchs quote to the children, Goodnight you Princess of Maine, you Kings of New England. The movie has an excellent setting, where Homer did a first time abortion on Rose. The setting was dark, gloomy and it was raining heavily, which means that it is a very challenging thing for Homer to do. The special effect is really great, the view of the natures make a great impact on the movie. The apple factory, the train, and the other places in the movie make the scene really from the 1940s. It has very good background music too, where Mr. Rose killed himself. The music was slow and sad, like his soul going away very slowly. The camera took all of the great natures view, which will makes the audience relax. The cinematography on Mr. Rose was great too. The camera follows his face from far away, when we dont know what happen yet, and when it is near, then it will shock us that Mr. Rose had killed his own self. The costumes that the actors wear are copied from the 1940s. It is very realistic, and matches the characters. .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .postImageUrl , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:visited , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:active { border:0!important; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:active , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: HRIS Essay For examples, Wally is a soldier, and he is always seen wearing a uniform that shows that he is a soldier. Dr. Larch, a doctor, always wearing a long white cotton jacket, shows that he is the doctor in the orphanage. The workers in the apple factory and Candy at work, always wear monkey suits every time they work, making it looks more like apples farm. I rated this movie a 100 percents. This is the best movie I have ever seen, and I recommend this movie to families, lovers, couples, friends, and everybody. It is a moral, and wonderful story that can be enjoyed by everybody who loves natures, sad, love story, and old movie.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Racquetball The Life Changing Sport free essay sample
â€Å"BEEP BEEP BEEP†6:45 a.m. The dark, gloomy morning consumes my bedroom. Time to start another day of high school. The soft pillows hug me tightly, begging me not to leave. I glance at the clock, and it reminds me that I can’t stay in bed forever. I make a deep sigh and forcefully drag myself out of bed. This should be illegal; no student should have to wake up before the sun does. As a freshman attending a public high school, I get free transportation! What’s better than taking a bus that’s going at turtle speed with a cranky bus driver and loud, obnoxious kids? And don’t forget about the free massage from the jerk behind you that’s always kicking your seat. Also, you’ll always get the latest fashion news from the girls who gossip nonstop. After a long ride of torture, I finally arrive at school, getting pushed against lockers and shoved in the crowded hallways. We will write a custom essay sample on Racquetball: The Life Changing Sport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I never say a word to anyone during class or lunch. They probably think I can?t speak English. But today is going to be different. In all of this chaos, I somehow manage to find something that completely transforms my entire high school experience. Entering the gym, an over-friendly student stands at the door and greets, ?Welcome to the Club Fair!? I stroll by all the club booths in amazement of the different options. Key Club? Dog Club? Then a purple banner with big, white letters catches my attention; it lights up the words: â€Å"Racquetball Club.†Racquetball? Never heard of it. Out of curiosity, I step up to the racquetball stand, pick up the pen, and write my name down on the sign-up sheet. A few weeks later, I show up to the first meeting. As I enter the Athletic Club for the first time, I immediately notice the racquetball courts. Wow, that’s what they look like? The smell of sweat and rubber balls pour into my nose. I jump in shock from the loud, sharp noises that sound like gunshots. My hands are shaking and my body’s getting warmer. Maybe I shouldn’t be here. When I finally step into the court, a cold breeze gushes through my body like a ghost just drifted past my soul. My heart beats faster and faster. Lub-dub. Lub-dub. First, my coach demonstrates how to hit the ball by swinging his racket. â€Å"Here, you give it a try.†my coach gestures. I hesitantly walk up, drop the ball in front of me, and swing. The ball goes flying towards the blank wall. BANG. Suddenly, all of my fear and nervousness vanish as fast as the speed of light. With every fluid motion, the heavy weight lifts off from my chest and disperses into the air like it never existed. Before, the noise scared the living daylights out of me, but now, it plays a beautiful hymn in my head. I’m in my own world, free from my worries and responsibilities. Being a part of the racquetball community has helped me to express myself. As a team captain today, I offer a significant influence during practices. I change from conversing with nobody to teaching new players techniques and encouraging teammates to play their hardest. Racquetball has granted me such joy in high school and will continue to help me in college and beyond. The 5’2†girl who got pushed around and stepped on in the school hallways, became the girl who fights fiercely in the racquetball court with total energy and dedication.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Definition of Form in Art
The Definition of Form in Art The term form can mean several different things in art. Form is one of the seven elements of art and connotes a three-dimensional object in space. A formal analysis of a work of art describes how the elements and principles of artwork together independent of their meaning and the feelings or thoughts they may evoke in the viewer. Finally, form is also used to describe the physical nature of the artwork, as in metal sculpture, an oil painting, etc.​ When used in tandem with the word art as in art form, it can also mean a medium of artistic expression recognized as fine art or an unconventional medium done so well, adroitly, or creatively as to elevate it to the level of fine art. An Element of Art Form is one of the seven elements of art which are the visual tools that an artist uses to compose a work of art. In addition, to form, they include line, shape, value, color, texture, and space. As an Element of Art, form connotes something that is three-dimensional and encloses volume, having length, width, and height, versus shape, which is two-dimensional, or flat. A form is a shape in three dimensions, and, like shapes, can be geometric or organic. Geometric forms are forms that are mathematical, precise, and can be named, as in the basic geometric forms: sphere, cube, pyramid, cone, and cylinder. A circle becomes a sphere in three dimensions, a square becomes a cube, a triangle becomes a pyramid or cone. Geometric forms are most often found in architecture and the built environment, although you can also find them in the spheres of planets and bubbles, and in the crystalline pattern of snowflakes, for example. Organic forms are those that are free-flowing, curvy, sinewy, and are not symmetrical or easily measurable or named. They most often occur in nature, as in the shapes of flowers, branches, leaves, puddles, clouds, animals, the human figure, etc., but can also be found in the bold and fanciful buildings of the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi (1852 to 1926) as well as in many sculptures. Form in Sculpture Form is most closely tied to sculpture, since it is a three-dimensional art and has traditionally consisted almost primarily of form, with color and texture being subordinate. Three-dimensional forms can be seen from more than one side. Traditionally forms could be viewed from all sides, called sculpture in-the-round, or in relief, those in which the sculpted elements remain attached to a solid background, including bas-relief, haut-relief, and sunken-relief. Historically sculptures were made in the likeness of someone, to honor a hero or god. The twentieth century broadened the meaning of sculpture, though, heralding the concept of open and closed forms, and the meaning continues to expand today. Sculptures are no longer only representational, static, stationery, forms with a solid opaque mass that has been carved out of stone or modeled out of bronze. Sculpture today may be abstract, assembled from different objects, kinetic, change with time, or made out of unconventional materials like light or holograms, as in the work of renowned artist James Turrell. Sculptures may be characterized in relative terms as closed or open forms. A closed-form has a similar feeling to the traditional form of a solid opaque mass. Even if spaces exist within the form, they are contained and confined. A closed-form has an inward-directed focus on the form, itself, isolated from ambient space. An open form is transparent, revealing its structure, and therefore has a more fluid and dynamic relationship with the ambient space. Negative space is a major component and activating force of an open form sculpture. Pablo Picasso (1881 to 1973), Alexander Calder (1898 to 1976), and Julio Gonzalez (1876 to 1942) are some artists who created open form sculptures, made from wire and other materials. Henry Moore (1898 to 1986), the great English artist who, along with his contemporary, Barbara Hepworth (1903 to 1975), were the two most important British sculptors in modern art, both revolutionized sculpture by being the first to pierce the form of their biomorphic (biolife, morphicform) sculptures. She did so in 1931, and he did in 1932, noting that â€Å"even space can have form†and that â€Å"a hole can have as much shape meaning as a solid mass.† Form in Drawing and Painting In drawing and painting, the illusion of three-dimensional form is conveyed through the use of lighting and shadows, and the rendering of value and tone. Shape is defined by the outer contour of an object, which is how we first perceive it and begin to make sense of it, but light, value, and shadow help to give an object form and context in space so that we can fully identify it. For example, assuming a single light source on a sphere, the highlight is where the light source hits directly; the mid-tone is the middle value on the sphere where the light does not hit directly; the core shadow is the area on the sphere that the light does not hit at all and is the darkest part of the sphere; the cast shadow is the area on surrounding surfaces that is blocked from the light by the object; reflected highlight is light that is reflected back up onto the object from the surrounding objects and surfaces. With these guidelines as to light and shading in mind, any simple shape can be drawn or painted to create the illusion of a three-dimensional form. The greater the contrast in value, the more pronounced the three-dimensional form becomes. Forms that are rendered with little variation in value appear flatter than those that are rendered with greater variation and contrast. Historically, painting has progressed from a flat representation of form and space to a three-dimensional representation of form and space, to abstraction. Egyptian painting was flat, with the human form presented frontally but with the head and feet in profile. The realistic illusion of form did not occur until the Renaissance along with the discovery of perspective. Baroque artists such as Caravaggio (1571 to 1610), explored the nature of space, light, and the three-dimensional experience of space further through the use of chiaroscuro, the strong contrast between light and dark. The portrayal of the human form became much more dynamic, with chiaroscuro and foreshortening giving the forms a sense of solidity and weight and creating a powerful sense of drama. Modernism freed artists to play with the form more abstractly. Artists such as Picasso, with the invention of Cubism, broke up the form to imply movement through space and time. Analyzing an Artwork When analyzing a work of art, a formal analysis is separate from that of its content or context. A formal analysis means applying the elements and principles of art to analyze the work visually. The formal analysis can reveal compositional decisions that help to reinforce content, the work’s essence, meaning, and the artist’s intent, as well as give clues as to historical context. For example, the feelings of mystery, awe, and transcendence that are evoked from some of the most enduring Renaissance masterpieces, such as the Mona Lisa (Leonardo da Vinci, 1517), The Creation of Adam (Michelangelo, 1512), the Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci, 1498) are distinct from the formal compositional elements and principles such as line, color, space, shape, contrast, emphasis, etc., the artist used to create the painting and that contribute to its meaning, effect, and timeless quality. Resources and Further Reading Form, Tate Museum, Art of Sculpture, Encyclopedia of Art, hole of life, Tate Museum, Hepworth vs Henry Moore, CultureWhisper, of Antoni Gaudi, Moore Foundation, https://www.henry-moore.orgBarbara Hepworth, Turrell, Resources for Teachers The Elements of Art: Form, Grade Level: 3-4, National Gallery of Art, and Form in Art: Instructional Program for Grades K-4, Teacher’s Guide,
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Useful common app essay writing tips
Useful common app essay writing tips Common app essay Mind the Word Count Requirements Over the years, the common app essay word limit has changed a little bit. At present, the number of words an application essay should consist of ranges from 250 to 650. If you are going to create such a piece of writing, you need to comply with the imposed requirements. Otherwise, your paper will not be accepted. Some educational institutions admit that learners who consider the set common app essay word limit tight may send them the physical copies of their papers. However, you should not do it, as you may be regarded as a self-centered person. Actually, the optimal word count for such an essay is something between 500 and 650 words. Such number of words is quite enough for discussing a specific idea thoroughly. A good common app essay should demonstrate students’ outstanding abilities and personal qualities. Moreover, it has to be written up to standard and structured appropriately. That is why it is essential to choose a fascinating subject which you would like to explore. When producing this paper, you need to show the committee that you are well-educated and skilled. The board should understand that you do not lack creativity and inspiration for preparing superior pieces of writing. It should be admitted that producing common app essays is the most efficient way to take the required course, especially for transferred students. Are you one of them? In this case, you need to present your previously gained accomplishments. It will help you sign up for the desired course. Furthermore, the committee will see that you are able to achieve impressive results in your academic field. Note that the board always looks for ambitious and motivated learners ready to work hard to achieve their goals. Note that you should prepare a paper of superior quality. Besides, it has to be interesting. You should understand that there is a huge number of application works discussing various common app essay ideas. The members of the admission board read all of them carefully and pay attention to the key points describing students. That is why you need to make considerable effort to write it in the best way and present your candidacy attractively. Do not Worry about the Question! The questions the applicants need to discuss in their application essays may be interpreted in different ways. However, the manner you disclose the given prompt in is not what the educational establishments are focused on. Your personality is what they are interested in. According to the survey, a great number of schools give prospective students total freedom in interpreting the common application prompts. You are free to choose any topic for your application paper. Even if your theme does not fit the suggested categories, do not be afraid to write about it. Consider it the so-called challenge. Begin generating ideas, look for information and you will cope with the task. Make a Proper Structure The common app essay papers differ from the argumentative pieces of writing you dealt with when studying at a high school. Certainly, they are argumentative in character too. The only difference is that when writing your application essay, you need to prove not a specific viewpoint on the explored subject but your suitability for the chosen college. In order to succeed in delivering your message to the admission board, you have to organize your piece of writing in the right way. If you do not know exactly how to structure such type of papers, you should use the structural mode that is usually applied to academic works. Divide your essay into an introduction, body section, and a conclusion. Mind the Tone of Writing The majority of academic papers have to be created in a formal writing style. However, when it goes about application essays, you can make them a little bit personal. Once your work is produced, read it aloud to see whether it corresponds to your style of writing. Still, you do need to stick to the established rules when composing your application essay. Its style cannot be too colloquial. It means that you should not use jargons, slang, or any other inappropriate means of expressing your thoughts. Since you are applying to an educational establishment, your writing project has to comply with the stylistic and grammar requirements. Edit Your Essay If you do not know how to write a common app essay or edit it, you may ask someone for help. However, mind that such a paper should reflect your understanding of the discussed matter. It means that if you ask your friends to edit your work, they will definitely detect a number of unjustified flaws in it (they would probably highlight the subject in a different manner). Thus, address professionals only! Make a Thorough Proofreading You have made much effort to create your paper, and you certainly expect to get it approved by the board. However, what if your project is riddled with errors which you have not noticed? Consider referring to professional editors to ensure that your text will contain no errors at all. Does the question â€Å"How long should a college essay be?†bother you? Just produce the number of words indicated in your instructions. Final Stage Once your writing project is done, put a full stop and submit it. If you decide to reread it a few more times, you may go crazy. Every time you read it, you will spot the issues which you would like to alter.Common App Essay Tips: Unnecessary Data Information from Your Resume The common app essays that worked are the pieces of writing that have managed to attract the boards’ attention to the applicant’s personality. If you also desire to interest the committee in your personality, do not include the information provided in your resume in your paper. Certainly, you may describe the items highlighted in your resume in greater detail, but stunning application essays are the ones that provide new data about the applicant. Disputable Issues You may be offered to discuss a controversial topic in your application essay. Do not get nervous! Just be honest and do not be afraid of expressing your opinion about the matter. In this way, your paper will sound natural and convincing. Confusing Cases If you are going to describe a situation which you have faced in your application essay, first you need to think whether it is not too personal. In case you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when talking about it, you should not share such an experience with readers. The point is that you will not be able to describe it vividly and convey your message to readers effectively. Select the theme which you are fully aware of and feel comfortable talking about. Hackneyed Phrases If using clichà ©s in your piece of writing is unavoidable, go for it. However, if you can describe the subject without utilizing the so-called overused expressions, it is better not to use them. In this way, your paper will sound fresh. Even if your paper is focused on the moral aspects of some issues, do not end it with some boring set expressions. Common App Essay Prompts When writing an application paper, some difficulties may arise. Therefore, we offer you to draw your attention to the following handy common app essay prompts. If you follow them, you will be able to produce an exclusive work. As a result, you will be accepted to the selected educational establishment. By the way, you may also get professional online assistance with completing your assignment. Thus, consider the following: Be honest Some students desire greatly to present their common accomplishments as tremendous achievements. Thus, they often exaggerate when discussing particular common app essay questions. Learners think that they will get extra scores in this way. Nevertheless, it does not always work out well. Remember that the board wants to get valuable and accurate information about applicants. Use effective writing technique. You may follow an informal writing style. However, your paper should be written in good language. You work may be produced in the form of a narrative. It should display your personal traits and profound knowledge of the subject. Moreover, it should present your opinion on specific common app essay topics. You need to try hard to prepare a top-notch piece of writing showing that you are a perfect applicant for the selected school. Present major details When reading your common app essay, the members of the committee want to see whether you know how to describe events clearly. Thus, you should pick a suitable topic for your paper. You have to make sure that you will be able to cover it completely. Note that it is necessary to conduct detailed research to examine the issue thoroughly. Common App Essay Example
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Ethical & Legal Case Study Evaluation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical & Legal Evaluation - Case Study Example There are also chances of civil liability ensuing (Guido, G. 2009). Though The Human Rights Act 1998 identifies a right to life in Article 2. A court ruling, NHS Trust A v M: NHS Trust B v H [2001, affirmed that the patient’s right to willingly refuse treatment, and whether it was in the patient’s ‘best interests’ to forgo treatment were the two key factors determine whether treatment will be foregone. The patient’s right to intentionally refuse treatment, was recognized as being both legal and not the same as suicide, this was despite the fact that the refusal would ultimately lead to the patient’s death (Chiarella 2006). Legality of Janet’s Actions Janet’s actions can be termed as being illegal because, according to NHS guidelines on the discontinuation of (LSMT), in occasion a disagreement amongst the team members, the team should sit down and consider the basis of the disagreement and try to obtain an opinion from a medical p rofessional who happens to be working in a discipline that is the same as the disagreeing member. This was clearly not followed in the case of Dr. Johnson’s disagreement with the other attending nurses (Guido, G. 2009). Janet the nurse did not consult with all the staff included in the patient’s care when she made the decision to discontinue the supply of Mrs. Jordan’s noradrenaline. This was in direct contravention of a checklist used in the ruling by Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss in Case: Re B (an adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. One of the requirements in the checklist was that there must be adequate consultation between all the staff involved before a decision is made (McIlwraith &Madden 2006). Ethical Features Mrs. Jordan was undergoing palliative chemotherapy, for pancreatic adenocarcinoma that was in its advanced stage and there were not chances that she would recover. Her quality of life was severely hampered and her family underst ood this and wanted the Life Sustaining Medical Treatment to be discontinued. Their intentions are seen to be inline with the doctrine of double effect (Chirella 2006) Ethicality of Janet’s Actions Janet’s actions can be viewed as being ethical as supported by a court ruling, Re Conroy [1985] that upheld that a patient declining life-sustaining treatment could not be viewed as an attempt to commit suicide. The action merely allows a disease to follow its natural course. If the patient dies, it could not be termed as a self-inflicted injury but it would be considered to be the result of the underlying disease. She was not responsible for the death (Charella 2006). Legally significant Events in the Alternate Version of the Case Scenario In the second Scenario, there was sufficient consultation between the medical staff attending to Mrs. Jordan and her family before Janet was instructed to withdraw the LSMT. Hence this is perfectly legal in accordance with the Ministry of Health Guidelines (Ministry of Health). The medical professionals and members of the family were also in agreement as opposed to the first scenario where their views were divergent. Dr. Jackson also complied with Mrs. Jordan’s Advanced Care Directive which clearly stated that she did not want to receive LSMT. This is in compliance with the law as opposed to the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Relationship between language,power and gender Essay
Relationship between language,power and gender - Essay Example Language, power and gender are highly related to each other. In order to understand the relationship between language, power and gender, let’s analyze their relationship with the other individually. Many scholars have commented on the relationship between language and the power people have on it. Writers have written many novels and stories on the issue the examples of which include Leslie Marmon Silko's short story Lullaby, Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of King Richard II and The Tempest, Frederick Douglass’s Learning to Read and Write, and Gloria Anzaldua’s How to Tame a Wild Tongue. All of these works convey the same message that language and power are interrelated to each other and one cannot survive without the other.Patel states in his article that â€Å"the way a person speaks or writes determines that person's power in the world.†Elaborating on this will give the whole idea how easy it is to define the social status of an individual while consi dering the language with which he defines himself.An analysis of languages spoken in different regions in the world shows that there are some languages which are recognized and spoken internationally, while there are other which are only spoken within a limited are like within a country. Even inside a country,there are many forms of that one language by which that country is known.This is a sad truth that for a country to progress in this competitive world and to eventually come in power,it is important to get acknowledged with the internationally known languages so as to facilitate the trade and business. Just getting acknowledged is not sufficient but to inculcate that language in the educational curricula is vital to raise the nation with an intense knowledge of that language so that the people of the country can read, write and speak that foreign language just like they easily go with their own mother tongue. This brings power. The relationship between power and gender raises qu estions like whether one gender is given advantage over the other so that one gendered is empowered and the other is left discriminated. The gender differences in many countries makes power stay stuck to only one gender like men are politically preferred to women. Similarly, there are gender discriminations at occupational workplaces due to which men are given chances to get better jobs and women are told to stay at home in front of the stove all day. â€Å"Although women have made gains in the workplace, with more women working than in the past and women possessing approximately a third of all management positions†(Colwill, as cited in Carli, 1999). Male children are also preferred to get higher education which later on offers them high paying jobs within and across the border. This reduces power for the female gender. The difference in social power between the two genders has given rise to the feminist theories which fought for the liberation of women so that they come out of their houses and stand on equal status as men to enjoy the different luxuries of life. Beeching (2004) affirms that the relationship between language and gender gives rise to man linguistic issues. According to her, â€Å"Men's and Women's Talk have arguably been demonstrated to show differences at the phonetic, syntactic, lexical and discourse levels.†Gender socialization affects the overall structure and use of a language. Language has defined the changing responsibilities and roles of the men and women in different walks of life, nationally and internationally. Simkins-Bullock and Wildman (1991, p. 149) have studied in their research the differences in gender in the use of a language and have come to the conclusion that there is much inconsistency among the scholars in agreeing whether or not the two genders use the same language differently. They state that scholars suggest that there are several ways in which the males and females make use of a language but other as pects should also be considered besides gender in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
McDonalds Video Advertisement Essay Example for Free
McDonalds Video Advertisement Essay This paper analyzes the rhetorical features of one particular video advertisement (2010 see Reference list for details) that was issued on the internet by the multinational burger company McDonalds. It now circulates on the internet with and without the English subtitles. The subtitled text of the advert is a very brief nine lines long, followed by the single tag line â€Å"Come as You are†and the full text is given below at Appendix 1. Hill and Helmers (2008, pp. 51-53) describe how a video uses a particular type of persuasion called â€Å"visual argument†which is rhetorical rather than logical or dialectical. The medium is very compressed and this does not allow full exposition of claim, argument, rebuttal, etc but on the other hand the visual aspect lends a sense of immediacy which written text does not have. They warn, however, that the apparent advantage of seeing rather than reading is partly illusory, since the images presented are highly structured and filtered so as to present a particular viewpoint. In their terminology the McDonalds advert would fall into the category of â€Å"didactic narrative†. The target market for McDonalds products is generally young families and teenagers. The opening shots set a scene which is familiar to this group: a busy and noisy McDonalds restaurant with many smiling faces. A father waits to be served while a son sits at a formica table and talks on his mobile telephone while looking at a photograph. Across the world, in France as well as in other countries, this is a regular occurrence and will resonate with both older and younger viewers who see themselves in the father or son role. The dresscode in the video is casual and â€Å"cool†as evidenced by the beanie hat worn by a customer, and the hoodie worn by the boy who talks. This is typical of styles popular with young urban males. At first it looks like a mainstream father and son, where the son talks to someone romantically on his cellphone. The person on the other end of the telephone is neither seen nor heard and one just assumes out of habit that this person is female. Lines 1-4 are spoken by the boy. The father arrives and lines 5-9 are spoken by the father. As the father quizzes the boy and makes a comparison with himself, the facial expression of the boy makes it clear that the father is not aware of a crucial difference between them: the boy is gay. The Tag line which is presented on a plain screen at the end just before the McDonalds logo â€Å"Come as you are†tacitly acknowledges that people are different, and extends a welcome to all kinds of people. It does not matter whether they are older or younger, gay or straight, they should still come to McDonalds and eat together. The claim, or main issue which the video presents is that diversity is a good thing, and people should be welcome regardless of their sexual orientation. There is no explicit verbal argument to back this up, but the story presents the gay son in a favourable light. This is done by camera angles that focus on his face, and the choice of an attractive young French male actor dressed in pretty average teenage clothes. This is by no means extreme gay activism with stereotypical gay wardrobe, mannerisms and speaking style but a subtle depiction of a situation that a pretty average young gay man is likely to encounter. It all looks and is intended to look â€Å"normal†. The video is youth-focused, because it lets the audience see things from the boy’s perspective, while making it obvious that the father does not appreciate the insider information which audience and boy share. The father represents the traditional French male role model of an experienced older man who is successful with women. The son represents a more up to date role model of a gay French man. An interesting aspect of the video is that there are a number of appeals going on at the same time in different directions. On the one hand there is a main message conveyed by pathos, which shows the young boy’s romantic feelings towards his boyfriend, and his wry acceptance of his father’s old fashioned and rather macho attitudes. On the other hand there is some authority and believability in the role of the father who pays for the meal and takes a positive and fatherly interest in his son. The son is inward looking and reflective, using the personal pronoun â€Å"I†to reveal his feelings, while the father uses the pronoun â€Å"you†more often and directs his feelings outwards. The father cites the evidence of his own experience to offer an example for the boy to follow in his footsteps. McDonalds will be well aware that parents and teenage children, and the sometimes complex and difficult relationship between them is absolutely the territory in which they operate their business. They provide a framework, something like a neutral territory, in which this generational conflict can be worked through, via the activity of buying and eating fast food. In making the gay-friendly message implicit, rather than explicit, McDonalds avoids the possible outcome of presenting a crass or sensationalist message. The way gaps in the narrative are left for the viewer to supply is also very clever, because it flatters the audience and forces them to get involved in constructing the meaning of the advertisement. Ambiguity used in this way is a very powerful rhetorical technique. There is still, of course, the possibility that some viewers will react negatively to the overturning of the traditionally dominant heterosexual point of view. Some viewers will resist the gay-friendly message that is being constructed but this, too, is part of the writer’s intention. Advertisers often court controversy as a means to extend the impact of their message and this is a prime example of that. If some viewers react with an indignant and anti-gay blog post or a you tube video or text response then this in turn provokes pro-gay and pro-McDonald posts from the viewers. The message is then guaranteed durability and a wider circulation. In purely technical production terms this video is a model of economy and precision. There are only two speakers, and each takes only one conversation turn. The product is never mentioned, and the instant recognizability factor with this brand makes this irrelevant in any case. Just in case there is any doubt in the viewer’s mind, however, the logo is added at the end. The colors are muted, and the mood is a gentle family intimacy with some tension caused by the unspoken facts which change the surface meaning of the discourse. Deep meaning is conveyed in shots of the changing expressions on the son’s face, and these meanings are obliquely referred to in the tag line â€Å"Come as you are†. This phrase is used in standard English to mean something like â€Å"don’t dress up specially – there is no need to be formal†and the McDonalds ad suggests an extension of this to mean something like â€Å"you don’t need to pretend you are straight, just be yourself†for a young and gay friendly audience, or â€Å"you don’t need to worry if your son is gay, just come and eat with him as normal†for an older audience who may be less open towards a gay message. The advert makes a plea for tolerance, not for any particular orientation. All of the components of the advert, even including the brief snippet of song saying â€Å"I’m going on my way†at the end, support these same messages and the images work, because they rest on a long McDonalds formula of adverts showing intimate conversations in busy restaurant scenes, but incorporate this new â€Å"diversity†based angle in a positive, friendly and contemporary way. Appendix 1. 1. Boy: Hello? 2. Boy: I was thinking about you too. 3. Boy: I miss you too. 4. Boy: My dad’s coming, I have to hang up. 5. Father: Is this your class picture? 6. Father: You look just like me at your age/ 7. Father: Let me tell you I was quite the ladies’ man! 8. Father: Too bad your class is all boys†¦ 9. Father: You could get all the girls. (Song in the background) 10. Tag line replaces the pictures : Come as you are. Hill, Charles A. and Helmers, Marguerite (2008) Defining Visual Rhetorics. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Lunsford, Andrea A. , Ruskiewicz, John J. , Walters, Keith. (2009) Everything’s an Argument. Boston: Bedford books. McDonald’s video advert â€Å"Come as You Are†, (2010) in French with English subtitles. Available online at: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=xk8xyONKK_4feature=related
Friday, November 15, 2019
My Other Self :: essays research papers
In "My Other Self" the essayist takes the reader on a journey through a girl’s torturous emotional problems during a short period of time. The essayist believes that to each person, there is an "other self". This other self is a side of us that no else knows exists. I think it is created by the repression of our strongest emotions. The girl in the essay is at a skating rink with her friends when one of the boys expresses a personal interest in her. When he asks to walk her home, the girl’s "other self" begins to feel trapped and nervous. "...and making my other self very, very nervous. She can not bear to be held or confined." The above sentence from "My Other Self", shows how the character refers to her other self as a completely different person. She does not realize that the emotions building her other self are really just a part of her normal psyche that she has pushed aside. In the sentence, "my other self slips towards hysteria." The essayist also shows that the girls "other self" is far less composed than the self that she shows to acquaintances. Her other self is confused, and anxious to explode. In the events with the young boy eventually the girl feels overpowered by the feelings and thoughts that her "other self" is thrusting into her mind. She flees the scene - leaving the young man quite confused, as he does not know what is bothering her. When the girl flees home she is overcome with emotion, and this her parents do not understand, so she pretends that she is upset about her skates - once again not allowing the honest expression of her other self.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pauline Breedlove Life
Character Analysis Paper Pauline Breedlove (Polly), one of the main characters of the story, who is also the mother of Pecola and Sammy Breedlove and spouse of Cholly Breedlove, can be seen as a violent figure towards her family and seems to have a negative out look on life. The reason behind all this behavior can be better understood if we were to take into account of her past, the time frame this story was in, and which then would bring us to how its affecting others around her. Pauline always seemed to have been troubled. It all began with her foot that she injured as a little girl, she had gotten a nail in it which then left her with a limp. After she started limping her dream of becoming an actress seemed unrealistic because of her flaw. Things didn’t really get much better from that either. She later ended up in Lorain, Ohio with Cholly where she becomes lonely and isolated, she doesn’t fit in with the northern women and understand their mannerism. Later we find out one day while she was at the movies she lost her front tooth from biting down too hard on a piece of candy. Which in the end lead her to believe she was ugly and her husband didn’t help much since he was under the influence of alcohol most of the time. The limp, the loss of her tooth, and the way she felt about her current living situation caused her to not care about herself and its showed in the way she started caring for her house and the her soon to be family. The story is set in the 1940s where blacks weren’t looked upon as that great. At the time Pauline had quit a bit of obstacles blocking her way of becoming an actress. The limp, her missing tooth, her skin color, and looks. Her physical appearance wasn’t up to the ideal beauty which was blond hair, blue eye eyes, and light skinned. Since the story takes places back when racism was still relevant there was nothing for a person like Pauline to look up to, so what she lived with everyday and seeing herself made her to grow self hatred for herself. The self hatred she had made an impact on the people she dealt with in her life. The anger she had deep within her self for not being good enough resulted in the mistreatment of her children and neglected her duties of being a good wife and mother. The viewing of herself as ugly lead to believing her family were ugly too. With the way she viewed life also made her treat her job a certain way, Pauline believed that if she couldn’t make herself beautiful treating her profession would replace that. By working for the Fishers, a white house hold, it caused her to live in a somewhat fantasy world. As opposed to the love and care she showed towards the Fisher family her actual family never received that type of treatment, beatings, fights, and arguments were a constant thing in the Breedlove household. So in the end the reflections on a person’s past can shape them to be who they are. For Mrs. Breedlove it is easily seen that past events caused her to have negative effect on her and the others involved in her life, and with it being back when times were hard especially for African Americans it only made the situation worse, but it all shaped Pauline Breedlove into the person she is.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ab221 Customer Service
Running head: On-Time Technology Products Complaint On-Time Technology Products Complaint Kaplan University AB221 Customer Service Tina Engle March 30, 2011 On-Time Technology Products Complaint On-Time Technology Products (OTTP) sells products related to time, and Mark MacGibson is the new President of OTTP. OTTP has seldom had any customer complaints because the companies top priority is customer service. Mary Graff, the supervisor for the Customer Service Representatives plans was to take OTTP to an innovative level of excellent customer service. Unfortunately, one day the President received a complaint in written from a disabled person, that has prompt his immediate attention. The complaint was in reference to the treatment given by a sales representative (Joanne) during the persons visit to the store. The complaint read, â€Å"Today I was at your store and wanted to purchase a new laptop computer. I never write companies when small incidents occur (relative to my disability of being in a wheelchair), but I feel that today’s behavior by your sales staff was over the top and warrants this letter. I chose to inform you, the President, so that others in my circumstance at your place of business will not be so offended. I felt very patronized when, after asking a question of your service/sales representative Joanne, she responded in an almost childlike voice – not once, but three times! Then she proceeded to lean on my wheelchair as she was demonstrating the laptop to me. I felt it would have been more appropriate for here to use a chair, but when I suggested she do so, she said, â€Å"Oh this will only take a minute or so†and then continued to lean over me for another five minutes! I am incensed enough to write this letter! By the way, after leaving your store I will purchase my laptop from another store within the hour. †After reading this person written complaint I have come to the conclusion that this complaint is legitimate because Joanne did not serve the disabled customer properly. Joanne’s communication with the customer was inappropriate because she spoke in a child like voice, and leaned on the customers’ wheel chair. Where in actuality, Joanne should have spoke to the customer in a normal tone voice (instead of a childlike voice), sat in a chair at eye level to the customer in the wheel chair (instead of leaning on the persons wheel chair), and continuing to lean on the customers wheel chair after the customer told her what they would prefer for her to do. In my opinion, the President Mr. MacGibson should call (if their telephone number is available), or communicate with this customer personally, and offer his sincere apology as well as compensation for what took place in their store. What I think Mr. MacGibson responds should is; â€Å"Hello Sir. /Mama, I am Mr. MacGibson the President of On-Time Technology Products and I would like to give you my sincere apology for what took place at our store during you visit. I would like to inform you that the mannerism Joanne showed during your visit is unacceptable, and was not the protocol of OTTP. To assure that this does not happen again I will personally make sure that all of our employees are well trained, and aware of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In closing, I would also like to offer you compensation for what took place at our establishment although you stated â€Å"you have purchased a laptop from another business. I would recommend that Mr. MacGibson put into play extensive training at OTTP with understanding disabled customers, customer behavior, and exceptional service, and that should assure to keep up OTTP’s reputation of seldom complaints. I say this because as a customer coming into an establishment they need to be understood, welcome, important, and comfortable with the sales representative. References The World of Customer Service, 2nd edition Pattie Gibson-Odgers (2008).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Priam and Hector Essay Example
Priam and Hector Essay Example Priam and Hector Paper Priam and Hector Paper What are the specific reasons that Andromeda gives to dissuade her husband from fighting? Andromeda told her husband that there might be a possibility that he will die during his battle with Achilles and if that happens their son will grow up without a father, In order to dissuade Hector from fighting. 2. What reason does Hector give to explain why he has to go out of the city when Troy Is well-foreteller and safe within? It Is because he want to give his country honor In fighting fair and square with the Sparta and to protect his family. 3. What are his (Hector) concerns for the future of his wife and child? He wanted them to be happy and live a life without getting involved in any wars. 4. What details show great love between Hector and Andromeda? When Andromeda tried to stop Hector In fighting Achilles, because In that scene even though Andromeda doesnt agree with his husband decision In facing Achilles she still respected her husbands decision. 5. What suffering had Achilles caused the family of Andromeda? It is the suffering of losing a husband and a father to a child. Which side do you want to win the war? Why? The Troy because even though It Is true that the Troy had wronged Sparta in bringing Helen with them it is not right to start a war It can still be fix In negotiating properly. And because Sparta doesnt treat women well they just use them for their own pleasure. 7. A Greek cannot be trusted even if he brings gifts What does this remark mean in the light of our society to day? Do you agree with the remark or not? Explain. It only means that we cant trust someone who we dont know very well. He/ he might be acting, doing or showing goodness to his/her friends but It doesnt mean that he/she will be Like that all the time. Remember that our moods can change at any time and we can hurt anyone when we become mad. I agree with It because It is true and is happening in real life. 8. What misfortune did Andromeda suffer from Achilles? She suffer so much longing for his husband because he killed it brutally. It isnt easy for a mother to lose her husband specially that they have a young son. 9. Why was it dangerous for King Prima to ransom the body of Hector? It Is because Achilles brought his dead body to the Troy and It will be very dangerous for him to get there but because of his great love for his son, he went there safely and approached Achilles. 10. Describe how different are the Greek funeral rites from what is done in our country. They done it through putting a coin in a dead mans closed eyes and burning them into ashes because it is their tradition while nowadays or in our country is done through a several prayer, mass and putting the dead body inside the coffin and bury them to ground . Why Andromeda Is called Hectors precious welted: Menthol 3 things Tanat would make a woman precious. Seen Is called n precious wife because Hector loves her so much and he treats her the way a woman should be treated. A Godly woman is far more precious than rubies. Women since birth are already precious because they came from their mothers womb and they can bear a child. A woman whos done so much bad things is still precious for there is always a reason why she has done it. Being yourself makes you precious because you appreciate, use and accept what God has given to you. Your good personality and your uniqueness as a woman makes you precious also. 12. Do you believe that suffering unites people and prosperity divides them? Yes because every man suffers from different situations and we cant handle it without God and with the help of a friend. With that, they will help each other and they can strive to find their peace. 13. How does a funeral unite people? They become united through the man who died because of his friends and loved ones. They will gather together in the day that the man will be buried (In our country) or will be burned (Greek).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Guide to Using Important Japanese Gestures Properly
A Guide to Using Important Japanese Gestures Properly While language is a major way of communicating between cultures, a lot of information is packed in-between the lines. In every culture, there are subtleties to pay attention to in order to abide by social customs and rules of politeness. Here is a breakdown on important gestures in Japanese culture, from the right way to sit on a tatami mat to how to point at yourself. The Proper Way to Sit on Tatami The Japanese have traditionally sat on tatami (a padded straw mat) at their homes. However, many homes today are completely Western in style and dont have Japanese style rooms with tatami. Many young Japanese are no longer able to sit properly on a tatami. The proper way of sitting on tatami is called seiza. Seiza requires that one bends the knees 180 degrees, tuck your calves under your thighs and sit on your heels. This can be a difficult posture to maintain if you are not used to it. This sitting posture requires practice, preferably from an early age. It is considered polite to sit seiza-style on formal occasions. Another more relaxed way of sitting on tatami is cross-legged (agura). Starting with legs out straight and folding them in like triangles. This posture is usually for men. Women would usually go from the formal to an informal sitting posture by shifting their feet just off to the side (iyokozuwari). Though most Japanese do not concern themselves with it, it is proper to walk without stepping in the edge of the tatami. The Right Way to Beckon in Japan The Japanese beckon with a waving motion with the palm down and the hand flapping up and down at the wrist. Westerners may confuse this with a wave and not realize they are being beckoned. Although this gesture (temaneki) is used by both men and women and all age groups, it is considered rude to beckon a superior this way. Maneki-neko is a cat ornament that sits and has its front paw raised as if it is calling for someone. It is believed to bring good luck and displayed in restaurants or other business in which customer turnover is important. How to Indicate Yourself (Who, Me?) The Japanese point to their noses with a forefinger to indicate themselves. This gesture is also done when wordlessly asking, who, me? Banzai Banzai literally means ten thousand years (of life). It is shouted during happy occasions while raising both arms. People shout banzai to express their happiness, to celebrate a victory, to hope for longevity and so on. It is commonly done together with a large group of people. Some non-Japanese confuse banzai with a war cry. It is probably because the Japanese soldiers shouted Tennouheika Banzai when they were dying during World War II. In this context, they meant Long live the Emperor or Salute the Emperor.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Design a testing method to evaluate and improve a troubled website Assignment
Design a testing method to evaluate and improve a troubled website - Assignment Example The site also has a problem in not being user-friendly or rather rich in content This site is hard to traverse. The clients with different problem such as facial injuries and skin infections cannot easily get information on the site as it does not have valuable info to keep clients informed and involved. In addition, cannot update itself in a timely manner. Webmaster has not been unable to provide it with changes to or responding to the clients requests in time. It lacks of control over its own information. the website cannot be static and boring when it has an active news service on its home page to update the website’s information daily. The news style should be engaging and exciting to clients and readers as well. Members who like to chip in to the success of the organization need to be given a chance to contribute and propose ideas. Constructing and growing an organization takes a lot of hard work and dedication. One of the projects is that the websites personally takes over is the news service. Each morning the assigned employee needs to deliver breaking news and conveying significant information to the members. In case club, some of the profits the site offers to members should include: chapter meetings, a resource rich website, news services and weekend Edition Bulletin. Be systematic requires that organization leaders should figure systems for their organization earlier. The website should be created to manage its own membership, its vision vision on choosing a scheme that can house their needs as the organization develop as this is the best decision each websites should opt for in order to achieve its objectives and marketing itself. The websites requires to use a tactical approach, Ameriface website should learn when and how to convey press releases. For instance, by incorporating the press release in the body of the email, attach it to a PDF,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Kindly refer to the instruction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Kindly refer to the instruction - Research Paper Example The primary focus is when Mangan is called by her sister for tea. One of the boys spots her in the lighted doorway where she stands and falls for her. The story develops with this boy perusing his love, Mangan (Joyce 17). After close analysis of this short story, it is clear that the narrator uses Mangans sister to portray that love could be misleading and hurting given some circumstances. The narrator describes a boy developing a serious crush on his friends older sister since the time he spots her calling his friend. The boys love for Mangans sister can be viewed as poisonous. The boy is seen to fall for Mangans sister because she is not only charming but also good-looking. He notices every detail of her from her tender hair to the feel of her palm. The narrator explains that the boy even follows the girl to school but is continuously unable to express how he feels for the girl. He is too shy to do it. At some point, the narrator terms the boys crush on Mangans sister as no longer a crush. This is because the boy even cries alone due to the pain he experiences perusing this girl in vain. Even harder, it is until later in the story that he can express his feelings in a dramatic manner. This is when he holds Mangans sisters hand to a point that she starts trembling. The boy cant even speak up but only murmurs the words "O love! O love!" severally (Joyce 103). Later on in the narrative, the boy finally gathers courage and decides to talk to the girl. The conversation is, however, not as impressive as expected. Here, the boy lets the girl know of his feelings with the promise of buying her a present from the town’s bazaar. The girl is not impressed by the attempts to lure her. From this description, Mangans sister is used to bring out the hurting aspect of love. She remains as a silent character all through the story. The focus lies on Mangans friend who suffers a great deal due to his feelings for Mangan’s sister.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Written research assignment in subject Employee Relations
Written research in subject Employee Relations - Assignment Example Organizations need to prevent and resolve problems that arise while working. Every organization should ensure that they have an employee relations program that helps in increasing good morale and employee satisfaction. Additionally, one of the most effective ways of ensuring good employee relations is adopting a strategy that values employees as stakeholders in the business (Gennard & Judge, 1999). The post-war consensus took place between 1945 and 1979. Laws were created that gave legal rights at work to employees. The employer’s obligation towards workers was also specified. In addition, disputes were resolves through mediation and social unions agreed to provide assistance to governments in resolving the economic problems of the country. However, industrial relations declined there was unemployment and wage demand and inflation continued to rise. In addition, unions improved through legislation and to achieve flexibility in the workplace, negotiations and social compromise was used rather than being imposed by employers. Consequently, the Keynesian economic objective was designed to manage the demand of the economy through achieving full employment as well as an economy that is stable. It was believed that through Keynesians, the level of unemployment depended on government policy and that the state was able to achieve a low unemployment rate by accepting a high but steady rate of inflation. A tribunal system was established in the UK to deliver the recommendations of the Donovan Commission by coming up with a system that was fast, easily to access, informal and not expensive. However, this has not been successful, as it never met the standards of the tribunal. Employers view the use of employment legislation disparagingly. In addition, employment law formalized the ideologies of natural justice whereby whichever action an employer took towards an employee was measured just
Monday, October 28, 2019
Milk Curdling Essay Example for Free
Milk Curdling Essay Weve all seen it, lumpy milk poured from an outdated jug or lemon juice added to warm milk. What was once smooth, creamy milk becomes chunky, lumpy, and completely unappetizing. But curdled milk isnt always a bad thing. Although it sometimes signifies spoilage, it can also be a method of producing more delicious food, like cheese. Milk curdles because of a simple chemical reaction that can be set into place for a variety of reasons. Lets take a closer look at some of those reasons. What is Curdled Milk? Milk is comprised of several compounds, primarily fat, protein, and sugar. The protein in milk is normally suspended in a colloidal solution, which means that the small protein molecules float around freely and independently. These floating protein molecules refract light and give milk its white appearance. Normally these protein molecules repel each other, allowing them to float about without clumping, but when the pH of their solution changes, they can suddenly attract one another and form clumps. This is exactly what happens when milk curdles. As the pH drops and becomes more acidic, the protein (casein) molecules attract one another and become curdles floating in a solution of translucent whey. This clumping reaction happens more swiftly at warmer temperatures than it does at cold temperatures. Spoiled Milk All milk, even pasteurized milk, contains bacteria. As bacteria go about happily with their lives, they eat the natural sugars in milk, called lactose. As they digest lactose, a number of byproducts are created, including lactic acid. When the amount of lactic acid in the milk begins to increase, the pH drops and the casein molecules begin to clump. The high levels of lactic acid are also what give spoiled milk its characteristically sour smell. Milk and Lemon Juice or Vinegar Its not uncommon for recipes to call for lemon juice or vinegar to be added to milk. In fact, lemon juice and vinegar can be added to milk as a substitute for buttermilk in many recipes. So why does this not cause the milk to curdle? As with many chemical reactions, temperature controls the rate at which the reaction occurs. When adding lemon juice or vinegar to hot milk, it will curdle almost immediately, but adding it to cold milk will not produce a reaction for quite some time. This is the very same reaction used to create fresh cheeses like ricotta or paneer. Milk is heated to a designated temperature and then an acid (lemon juice or vinegar) is added. Once the milk curdles, the solid proteins are then strained from the liquid whey and shaped into a round of cheese. In this scenario, curdling has nothing to do with spoilage and is, in fact, very useful. Milk and Coffee or Tea On occasion, cold milk added to coffee or tea will curdle. This can be alarming as curdled milk is often seen as the same as spoiled milk. In this case, it can be half true. Coffee and tea are both slightly acidic, although usually not enough to curdle fresh milk. When milk is just on the brink of spoilage and bacteria have produced some, but not enough acid to curdle the cold milk, a little bit of extra acid from the coffee or tea, along with their heat can tip the scale and cause the milk to curdle. The milk may not be spoiled enough to cause an off odor or flavor, but just enough acid and heat in addition to its own can cause curdling. 1. Milk curdles when it goes bad due to the fact is is a colloid. Colloids are substances that do not separate easily, so they clump together when they start to turn. 2. curdling of milk occurs in different ways with the help of chemistry lets try to understand. The methods of curdling: ACIDIFICATION: It may occur thanks to milk ferments that transform lactose in to milk acid, taking the milk to 4. 6 pH, or for the addition of acid substances; RENNET: it is, generally, the sweet curdling that occurs thanks to enzymes. The substance that in the milk gets the transformation is casein, a fundamental protein that in the milk is found in a colloidal solution. The casein is a conjugate protein formed (by beside C, H, O, N, S) also phosphorus (P) in the form of ester phosphoric acid of which a part is found inside every unit of a,b,k- salificato casein with calcium and magnesium ions, a part is in the form of tricalcium phospote (apatite) that joins together the units of a, b, k- casein as in the picture. The whole casein micella is called phospho-caseinatum of calcium. The quantity of calcium ions regulates the aggregations state of micelle and the sped of their flocculation: without calcium casein cant coagulate. ACID CURDLING In normal conditions milk has a pH of about 6. 5-6. 7 and at this pH value the casein is without protons, it has a negative charge and therefore the casein micelles are relatively soluble, because they repel each others. In an acid ambient milk coagulates, because casein has its isoelectric point at 4. 6 pH, that is at this pH value it has a quantity of positive charges equal to the quantity of negative charges and the positive part of each micelle is attracted by the negative part of the others, causing the formation of ionic bonds among the micelle working against the dipole-dipole bonds with water, so that the protein precipitates in the form of demineralized casein and in the solution remain soluble calcium salts.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Speed Kills :: essays research papers fc
Speed Kills The high speed limits are often causes of accidents that cause serious injuries and even death. The speed limit should be lowered so we can control accidents caused by high speed driving, pollution, and the high cost of operation and insurance. First of all it is obvious that a motorist driving over the speed limit has more chances of getting into an accident that a motorist who is traveling at the average speed. One who drives fast does not have proper and that well of a control on the vehicle as one that is moving at a safe speed or at the speed limit mark. It is true that traveling above the speed limit will save time and time is money but is it really worth it. Speed over the limit is a major factor in about two to five percent of fatalities. When driving over the limit it is hard to determine the other drivers speed, this is called the speed variance and this can cause an accident while overtaking the other vehicle or simply changing lanes because the other driver could be speeding up as well, at the same time as you are changing lanes that would result in an accident. Speed not only kills it also costs money and other problems. Cars traveling at higher speeds increase the amount of fuel usage and therefore this causes more pollution in the environment. Not only that since it uses more fuel and takes up fuel faster one has to get gas more often and this will cause the driver to spend more money. Driving fast will increase the wear and tear of your car and the predicted reliability could drop and you might have to replace the automobile faster than expected because the vehicle wont lasts you as long as it was suppose. When you speed you have chances of getting speeding tickets that are very high in cost and you have to pay for them. Speeding tickets also raise your insurance rate; just two speeding tickets can increase your insurance premiums by fifty percent. According to Federal Highway Administration (FHwA) study in which speed limits were varied at 100 locations nationwide resulted "raising posted speed limits by as much as 15mph had little effect on the motorists' speed." The data actually indicates that accident rate reduced at sites where speed limits were raised. Traveling at high speeds saves time and gets you to your destination quicker and the traffic usually travels five to ten miles faster than the posted speed limit.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Position paper Essay
For my own opinion, Why is it important economics in my life, Economics is about freedom as well in our economy, you’re free to do what you want economically speaking because the market itself will decide what to produce and how to produce. In order to do what you want let’s say, to buy what you want at the quantity you want you have to have the money. So another factor of economics that affects your everyday life is the distribution of the total income. Example Let’s say your income. Your income is not unlimited. With that limited income, you want to buy a lot of things. You have to choose what product to buy, at which price and how much quantity. Now let’s say that you have 200pesos last in your pocket. With that money you can either buy a ticket for a movie or buy food and drinks and watch the TV-show. What you do is what gives you more pleasure or as we say what maximize your utility. You make an economic choice. Economics basically the study of scarcity of resources and their allocation in society Everyday life is a never ending competition for scarce resources. For example: for me I need to earn money a scarce resource for which you provide labor another scarce resource so you can afford to purchase all the things you need in order to live gas, car, home, food, clothing, all scarce resources at the lowest price you can find. Also economics is about your income itself. The level of your income depends on the overall status of the economy. In my own example, if we have a recession, then the income for most of us will be less. If we have growth then the income will rise. If we have growth then I would have a job. If we have recession, then I might be unemployed. As you can see economics affects almost everything. And also it is important for me to embark the study of economics due to its strong relation in our daily lives. Economics help students to understand more about the modern world in making the decision for the future. It also helps us to understand the problems caused by the limited resources and helps students, as consumers to make rational choices when making decisions. Besides that, students are able to understand the function and role of banks and financial institutions, more over able to understand the information related to the economics. One of the most basic concepts in our daily life is wants/needs. Basically every human has different needs and wants. It is impossible to please every need and wants due to the limited resource or known as scarce. Scarcity is as well another basic concept of economics known as the limited resource of unlimited wants due to the incapability to provide one’s need they desired for. University Of Mindanao Roxas Extension, Digos City Position Paper Eco 1 Submitted By : Ken Joy B. Pugoy Submitted To : Adrian Raphael C. Aballe October 16, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Doppler Effect
Doppler Effect Objectives * Measure the detector frequency for waves emitted from a slowly moving source as that source is approaching the detector. (Exploration 1) * Calculate the detector frequency for waves emitted from a slowly moving source as that source is moving away from the detector. (Exploration 2) * Sketch the wave-front patterns for wave sources with various source speeds. (Exploration 3) Description of Activity In this activity, you will study waves that travel from a moving source to a detector. You will control the source speed as well as the frequency of waves emitted by that source. You will observe the wave fronts and measure the frequency at the detector. The Jump Start exercises below will help you review frequency, wavelength, pitch, and the Doppler effect. Jump Start 1. What type of wave is a sound wave? A sound wave is a longitudinal waves. 2. Define wave frequency. Wave frequency is the number of crests that pass through at a specified time. 3. What is pitch? A pitch is the sound or sensation of the frequency. 4. Sketch one wavelength of a longitudinal wave. Exploration 1: A Wave Source Moving Towards a Detector Procedure 1. Explore the simulation on your own for several minutes. Attempt to identify relationships among source frequency, detector frequency, wave speed, and source velocity. 2. Set Source speed to 1. 0 cm/s. Move the detector by dragging it from the left side of the screen onto the grid; place it on the right side of the grid, directly opposite the wave source. Set Wave speed to 5. 0 cm/s. Select a Source frequency. Record this frequency in Table 1. 3. The top stopwatch in this Virtual Investigation starts automatically when the first wave front touches the detector. The second stopwatch does not start until the source has passed the detector. Select Go. Using the top stopwatch, observe the number of waves that pass the detector in 1. 0 s. This is the detector frequency. Record this frequency in Table 1. In addition, sketch the wave-front pattern on a separate sheet of paper. 4. Repeat step 3 for at least two more trials. Keep Source speed, Wave speed, Source frequency, and detector position the same for all three trials. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 for at least three more source frequencies Observations and Analysis Table 1 (source speed = 0 m/s; wave speed = 5. 0 cm/s) Source Frequency (Hz)| Trial 1 Detector Frequency (Hz)| Trial 2 Detector Frequency (Hz)| Trial 3 Detector Frequency (Hz)| Average Detector Frequency (Hz)| 1. 0| 12| 5| 8| 8. 3| 1. 0| 10| 3| 3| 5. 3| 1. 0| 2| 4| 7| 4. 3| 1. 0| 4| 3| 2| 3| 1. For each source frequency, average the detector frequencies. Record these averages in Table 1. 2. Are the source frequencies greater than, less than, or the same as the detector frequencies in this Exploration? The source frequencies were less than the detections. Exploration 2: A Source Moving Away from a Detector Procedure 1. Set Source speed to 1. 0 cm/s and Wave speed to 5. 0 cm/s. Place the detector on top of the source. 2. Set Source frequency to any value. Record this source frequency in Table 2. 3. This time, the detector will detect waves as the source moves away from it. Select Go. In Table 2, record the number of wave fronts that pass the detector in 5. 0 s. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for at least three more source frequencies. Observations and Analysis Table 2 (source speed = 1. 0 cm/s; wave speed = 5. 0 cm/s) Source Frequency (Hz)| Number of Times Detector Flashes in 5. 0 s| Detector Frequency (Hz)| 1. 0| 4| 5| 2. 0| 6| 8| 3. 0| 9| 11| 4. 0| 13| 17| 1. Divide the number of times that the detector light flashes in 5. 0 s by 5. 0 for each source frequency in Table 2. This is the detector frequency. In Table 2, record the detector frequency for each source frequency. 2. Are the source frequencies greater than, less than, or the same as the detector frequencies in this Exploration? The detector frequencies are greater than the source frequencies. 3. In Exploration 1, you averaged the results of three trials. In Exploration 2, you gathered data over a longer period of time. Which approach probably yielded more accurate results? Why? I think Exploration 1 yielded more accurate results because the detector was not sitting above and it gave the detector an accurate reading. Exploration 3: A Moving Source at Different Velocities Procedure 1. Set Wave speed to 10. 0 cm/s and Source frequency to 1. 0 Hz. Place the detector anywhere. 2. Set Source speed to 6. 0 cm/s. 3. Select Go. Sketch the resulting wave-front pattern on a separate sheet of paper. 4. Set Source speed to 8. 0 cm/s. 5. Select Go. Sketch the resulting wave-front pattern on the separate sheet of paper. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for 10. 0 cm/s, 12. 0 cm/s, and 14. 0 cm/s source speeds. Observations and Analysis 1. What happens to the wave-front pattern as the source speed is increased to equal the wave speed? The amount of waves seen in a given time seems to increase and reach the detector much faster. 2. What happens to the wave-front pattern as the source speed is increased beyond the wave speed? When the source speed is increased beyond the wave speed the waves frequency is extremely high. Conclusions Describe how the motion and frequency of a wave source affects the waves that source produces. When the frequency and motion are both set at high rates, the waves that are produced and their frequency is increased. When the motion and frequency are decreased the waves decrease as well. Inquiry Extension Luisa is swinging on a playground swing at school. A teacher facing her blows a whistle to let the children know recess is over. As Luisa swings, what does she hear? When does she hear the highest pitch? As Luisa swings she hears the whistle, but she hears the highest pitch when she is swinging away from the teacher.
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