Thursday, December 26, 2019
Drug Trafficking And Distribution Of Drugs - 1254 Words
Drug Trafficking and Distrobution Tanner Galbiso University of Arkansas-Fort Smith Author Note. Tanner Galbiso is currently a student in Mrs. Mary Wuestewald’s Criminology class that meets every Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 3:15 pm in the Gardner Building. Contact: Abstract This paper will explore multiple scholarly journals and other published articles that will pertain to Drug trafficking and distribution of drugs. The research gathered will all be from online resources located on the schools website and the classes required book pertaining to the curriculum. Keywords: Criminology, Drug Trafficking, Social Theories In the world of the criminal justice system, drug related makes up quite a large number. (2012) But what why is this such a big problem in the United States? Why is this issue so important to stop? Why is this war on drug such a big deal? Within these next few pages, we will enter the world of drug trafficking and distribution and answer such questions. We will talk about how Park and Burgess’s Zone theory can be applied to how drugs are distributed, Merton’s Strain Theory, and Culture Conflict Theory. By the end of this paper, you should be able to get an inside look to why this type of crime is a easy crime to turn to. Park and Burgess’s Zone Theory It all started in the Chicago School. Robert Park and Ernest Burgess came up with the idea of social ecology. In the in class text, Schmalleger (2009)Show MoreRelatedDrug Trafficking: An Ongoing Battle Essay1362 Words  | 6 PagesDrug trafficking is a prohibited, global trade that involves the production, the distribution, and the sales of drugs. It is a topic that has become a very large issue all over the world. It also has had a very big effect on many different countries because they often depend on the business that the drug trafficking creates. 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While the media portrays the U.S as providing aid to Latin America to combat such issues, the U.S is also seen as a victim in the war on drugs. Over the course of the war on drugs numerous human rights violations have been reportedRead MoreDrug Trafficking And The Criminal Justice System1272 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper explains the consequences that drug traffickers face in today’s criminal justice system; those consequences being classed as controlled substances, federal trafficking sentences, offender and offense characteristics, and the effects of illegal drug trade on society. When the federal government labels a substance as controlled, this means the possession and distribution of these substances are governed by law. These laws are formulated in accordance with 21 U.S. Code  § 811 – 814 - Authority
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
It s On Us- Take The Pledge Now - 1345 Words
It’s On Us- Take the Pledge Now College can be one of the most influential and exciting times of self-discovery and exploration in a young woman’s life. In addition to expanding academic horizons, a woman’s college years can be used as a time of self-exploration and discovery. For some students, however, despite all the wonderful experience college has to offer, young women need to be mindful of a silent issue plaguing campuses everywhere: sexual assault. Gager defines sexual assault as â€Å"a public health and public safety problem with far-reaching implications.†According to Wikipedia, sexual assault is any â€Å"involuntary sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or any non-consensual sexual†¦show more content†¦One in four college-aged women has experienced rape or attempted rape, although 95% of attacks go unreported.†According to a survey from the American Association of University Women, the results showed that there a re 3% of women in the colleges across the country have been raped or have suffered attempted rape. While only 2% of incapacitated rape survivors report assault. There are several reasons why many women do not report being raped or sexually assaulted. Many female college students buy into myths about rape and sexual assault causing them to believe that it was their fault and that they were somewhat responsible for what happened. Most victims usually blame themselves, so they choose not to come forward, some others are scared that law enforcement won’t believe them, while others are simply embarrassed, or they might be afraid their attacker might retaliate. A friend of my friend, she has been sexually assaulted after deinking, but sadly as a victim of a rape, she was too scared to step forward and she didn’t even report the rape to the law enforcement because she thought it was her fault to drink alcohol. She was also too embarrassed and uncomfortable to talk about the r ape and answer any questions. Even she chose to drink alcohol, what happened is not her fault. Because whatever the reason is, no woman should blame herself for being raped or sexually
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Cider House Rules Essay Example For Students
Cider House Rules Essay The movie Cider House Rules involves many different characters that one can focus on, but the main character I want to focus on is Homer Wells, who is also the main character of the film. Now every character goes through many different situations and are faced with different obstacles that they must over come. Dr. Larch has to over come the ability to realize he is human, and how the board wants to replace him. Mr. Rose has to over come non-diligent workers, and conflicts with his daughter and keep a calm, flowing working environment. Candy Kendall has to deal with her husband Wally Worthington being away fighting for the United States in World War II. On the other side Wally has to deal with the loss of ability to use his legs and being paralyzed in a wheel chair. But, none of these are more compelling or can be looked at in so many ways as Homers. Three times he is adopted by good families, but later returned to the orphanage. Dr. Larch, who is in charge there, would just as well have him stay, for he later becomes a good assistant to the doctor in performing abortions and delivering babies. Wally Worthington, whose wealthy parents are in the apple and cider business gets to know Homer when Wally, takes his girlfriend Candy to the St. Clouds orphanage for an abortion. These three become close friends and Homer accompanies them back to their hometown where he spends the next six months. Its a new life for Homer, and he realizes that his years at the orphanage are just the past and it is time for him to move on. Wally, who became a captain in the Air Force during WW II, crashes his bomber in Burma, and his both of his legs are paralyzed. Candy, who is not good of being left alone, had an affair with Homer, feel really guilty and a sense of pity for Wally. Candy decided to choose Wally. Mr. Rose, a worker during the apple harvest, said to burn the cider house rules paper. He said he is going to make his own rules, and nobody is told what to do with rules. Because of that, Mr. Roses daughter, Rose, who got pregnant by her own father, makes her own rules, and left. Mr. Rose, feeling guilty with all his heart, and loosing his only daughter, kill his own self, saying I loose my own daughter so I kill myself. Candy makes her own rules too, by choosing to marry Wally. At the end of the story, Homer received a letter from the St. Clouds Orphanage saying that Dr Larch had died, which makes Homer came back to the Orphanage, and take over Dr. Larchs place, and every night, he would say Dr. Larchs quote to the children, Goodnight you Princess of Maine, you Kings of New England. The movie has an excellent setting, where Homer did a first time abortion on Rose. The setting was dark, gloomy and it was raining heavily, which means that it is a very challenging thing for Homer to do. The special effect is really great, the view of the natures make a great impact on the movie. The apple factory, the train, and the other places in the movie make the scene really from the 1940s. It has very good background music too, where Mr. Rose killed himself. The music was slow and sad, like his soul going away very slowly. The camera took all of the great natures view, which will makes the audience relax. The cinematography on Mr. Rose was great too. The camera follows his face from far away, when we dont know what happen yet, and when it is near, then it will shock us that Mr. Rose had killed his own self. The costumes that the actors wear are copied from the 1940s. It is very realistic, and matches the characters. .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .postImageUrl , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:visited , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:active { border:0!important; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:active , .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70 .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua484d18c8a6c64f640c97319da7b1a70:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: HRIS Essay For examples, Wally is a soldier, and he is always seen wearing a uniform that shows that he is a soldier. Dr. Larch, a doctor, always wearing a long white cotton jacket, shows that he is the doctor in the orphanage. The workers in the apple factory and Candy at work, always wear monkey suits every time they work, making it looks more like apples farm. I rated this movie a 100 percents. This is the best movie I have ever seen, and I recommend this movie to families, lovers, couples, friends, and everybody. It is a moral, and wonderful story that can be enjoyed by everybody who loves natures, sad, love story, and old movie.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Racquetball The Life Changing Sport free essay sample
â€Å"BEEP BEEP BEEP†6:45 a.m. The dark, gloomy morning consumes my bedroom. Time to start another day of high school. The soft pillows hug me tightly, begging me not to leave. I glance at the clock, and it reminds me that I can’t stay in bed forever. I make a deep sigh and forcefully drag myself out of bed. This should be illegal; no student should have to wake up before the sun does. As a freshman attending a public high school, I get free transportation! What’s better than taking a bus that’s going at turtle speed with a cranky bus driver and loud, obnoxious kids? And don’t forget about the free massage from the jerk behind you that’s always kicking your seat. Also, you’ll always get the latest fashion news from the girls who gossip nonstop. After a long ride of torture, I finally arrive at school, getting pushed against lockers and shoved in the crowded hallways. We will write a custom essay sample on Racquetball: The Life Changing Sport or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I never say a word to anyone during class or lunch. They probably think I can?t speak English. But today is going to be different. In all of this chaos, I somehow manage to find something that completely transforms my entire high school experience. Entering the gym, an over-friendly student stands at the door and greets, ?Welcome to the Club Fair!? I stroll by all the club booths in amazement of the different options. Key Club? Dog Club? Then a purple banner with big, white letters catches my attention; it lights up the words: â€Å"Racquetball Club.†Racquetball? Never heard of it. Out of curiosity, I step up to the racquetball stand, pick up the pen, and write my name down on the sign-up sheet. A few weeks later, I show up to the first meeting. As I enter the Athletic Club for the first time, I immediately notice the racquetball courts. Wow, that’s what they look like? The smell of sweat and rubber balls pour into my nose. I jump in shock from the loud, sharp noises that sound like gunshots. My hands are shaking and my body’s getting warmer. Maybe I shouldn’t be here. When I finally step into the court, a cold breeze gushes through my body like a ghost just drifted past my soul. My heart beats faster and faster. Lub-dub. Lub-dub. First, my coach demonstrates how to hit the ball by swinging his racket. â€Å"Here, you give it a try.†my coach gestures. I hesitantly walk up, drop the ball in front of me, and swing. The ball goes flying towards the blank wall. BANG. Suddenly, all of my fear and nervousness vanish as fast as the speed of light. With every fluid motion, the heavy weight lifts off from my chest and disperses into the air like it never existed. Before, the noise scared the living daylights out of me, but now, it plays a beautiful hymn in my head. I’m in my own world, free from my worries and responsibilities. Being a part of the racquetball community has helped me to express myself. As a team captain today, I offer a significant influence during practices. I change from conversing with nobody to teaching new players techniques and encouraging teammates to play their hardest. Racquetball has granted me such joy in high school and will continue to help me in college and beyond. The 5’2†girl who got pushed around and stepped on in the school hallways, became the girl who fights fiercely in the racquetball court with total energy and dedication.
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